Triin Jassov
Service designer

As a designer, innovator and former basketball player I can unlock potential by getting people and projects unstuck. I do this by making complex simple and facilitating value between humans, technology and organisations. Besides this I really enjoy getting any group of people, from athletes to management, activated by asking challenging questions. With my professional curiosity for transformation I've  helped to set up several tech companies for clients ranging from internal accelerators to advertisement and mobility. Some of my favourite collaborators include VanMoof, Skype, Adidas, 72andSunny and Mischief Makers.

Before joining Canoe, I worked with the Estonian Government on a mission to provide genetic healthcare for 200 000 people and humanize the entire user experience for how we learn about our DNA.It was a true roller coaster, amazing, scary and rewarding.

As a leader I´m often wondering how to facilitate the following. Who needs to be heard? What needs to be said that we are not saying? What does my community want to do, but feel they need permission to do?

Apart from work, you can find me eating rye bread, running or talking about running.

Martin Klausen
Martin Klausen
Digital designer
+47 977 29 508
Anders Attramadal
Anders Attramadal
Organisational designer
+47 995 39 949
Linn Johansson
Linn Johansson
Digital designer
+47 959 42 066
Annie Feddersen Hjelmervik
Annie Feddersen Hjelmervik
Service designer
+47 934 33 276
Mats Hage Eikemo
Mats Hage Eikemo
Digital designer
+47 988 13 203
Morten Bune Pedersen
Morten Bune Pedersen
Organisational designer
+47 942 11 361
Nicholas Merrigan
Nicholas Merrigan
Digital designer
+47 902 22 214
Trond Dagsland
Trond Dagsland
Service designer
+47 975 36 592
Yee Shin Tan (Shin)
Yee Shin Tan (Shin)
Digital designer
+47 944 43 164
Per-Johan Sandlund
Per-Johan Sandlund
Digital designer
+47 484 43 670