Stavanger Kommune

Tomorrow's workspace

Service design
Public sector
Stavanger Kommune

How are we going to design our everyday working life after Covid 19? What have we learned? What to keep and what to change? The Department for "Formålsbygg" in Stavanger Kommune have new physical working areas and wish to use the opportunity to redefine the way they work.

We wanted to design tomorrow's workspace in a co-creative way involving all employees at different stages of the process. We started with an insight workshop where all employees were invited to state their opinion and work alongside their colleagues, prioritising crucial aspects to take into consideration within the design process. This insight was grounded in strategy, research and, last but not least – customer needs. The insight laid the foundation for a design sprint which ran over three condensed days where representatives from all professions worked together with facilitators from Canoe to design a framework for the new working space. During the sprint, the participants crunched insight, defined goals, and designed and tested concrete solutions. At given moments during the sprint, decision-makers entered the process to give direction and decide on the next steps. In that way, we ensured anchoring and a strong foundation for the implementation of the solutions. Canoe refined the concept and delivered a zone map with design guidelines and principles for behaviour.

Canoe also helped implement the concept, Tech Flex House, by facilitating a behavioural design workshop defining guidelines for behaviour in general and in different zones of the workspace.

The department of "Formålsbygg" in Stavanger Kommune has now moved into their new physical workspace, and they have implemented the design concept. They are happy with their new workspace, especially with the co-creative process that led to it.

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Client testimonial
Tina Grønnevik
Organisational development consultant
"A Design Sprint is a lot of fun! Although the assignment may seem impossible on day one, the process drives the ideation forward in a very engaging way. The methodology makes it possible to quickly "see the same picture", and it is so motivating to work together in a group in this way."
Trond Dagsland